€12.90 / €10.24 for 100g (126g)
€9.90 / €10.53 for 100g (94g)
filetes de pechuga de pollo 35% ( cubos), arroz 26%, alubias rojas 11%, pimiento rojo dulce 4%, maíz 4%, cebolla, harina de trigo*,puré de tomate, aceite de colza, sal, especias (...
€10.90 / €9.91 for 100g (110g)
THE FUEL OF SEAN VILLANUEVA O’DRISCOLL’S CRAZY ADVENTURES Refreshingly original and absolutely captivating. Veggies, coconut milk and nettle? It’s a match! What we love most about this dish is that...
€7.90 / €8.78 for 100g (90g)
CREAMY CHEESE FEAST READY IN NO TIME! Chewing and swallowing at high altitudes are rarely easy and alpinists know it better than anyone else. It was Mathieu Maynadier’s stories that...